Dementia Facts and Statistics Australia

Watch two videos discussing dementia facts and statistics in Australia followed by a Q & A session.

10/1200, Dementia Lecture, Q&A

10 Australians are diagnosed with dementia every hour and 1200 people develop dementia worldwide every hour or 1 person every 3 seconds. In 2016, dementia became the leading cause of death among Australian women. These are some of the alarming facts referred to in our Dementia Lecture.

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Dementia Questions & Answers

Following the Dementia Lecture (see video above), Ciarán Foley, Chief Executive Officer is joined in a Q&A by Dr Themi Garagounis and Jim Murray, Facility Manager, Allambie Heights Village Residential Aged Care Facility where they respond to a range of questions from the audience.

(Transcript coming soon.)