Fortress Allambie, 300, Not Out!
No, that’s not a cricket score, that’s the Health Score at Fortress Allambie as at 25 January 2021!
Our entire Company staff at Allambie Heights Village Ltd. on Sydney’s Northern Beaches has performed brilliantly in performing the highest levels of hygiene and infection prevention controls to keep our residents and each other safe. And we managed to push through even when for weeks, the Northern Beaches Council Area was designated as one of Australia’s ‘hot spots’ for Covid-19 community transmissions.
We had only 1 resident who presented with mild Cold symptoms; 0 Flu and 0 Covid-19 during the 300 days.
You’ve heard of, ‘As Safe as Fort Knox’ and ‘Safe as Houses’.
Well, the new saying being repeated all around is, ‘As Safe as Fortress Allambie’!
For 300 days, we have been one of the safest places in Australia and probably in the World to live and work!
To my entire staff team, thank you. We will keep our defensive lines tight and we will continue to work to keep our residents safe. Congratulations all.
Keep Pushing Through!
‘Our Business is Protection’!
Ciarán Foley
Chief Executive Officer.
25 January 2021.